Cheryl De Goicoechea

Advisor at Engel & Völkers Bahamas

Property Types

  • 59% Lots/Acreage
  • 31% Single Family Home
  • 3% Half Duplex
  • 7% Other

Property Status

  • 100% For Sale

Property Cities

  • 21% Stella Maris
  • 21% Indian Hole Point
  • 17% Wemyss/Whymms
  • 41% Other

About Cheryl De Goicoechea

Cheryl has been a licensed Bahamas real estate agent for the past 10 years where she ran the boutique firm Durrant Harding. She specializes in beachfront homes, boutique resorts, and premium beachfront property on Long Island, one of the most beautiful islands in the southern Bahamas. Cheryl has a long track record of success selling luxurious properties along with many undeveloped properties throughout the island. She has a wealth of knowledge about the island and is always excited to share it. She has acquired a list of loyal clients due to her professionalism, great personality, and real estate experience. Cheryl is well-traveled and has an extensive background that prepared her for the real estate industry. Prior to getting her Bahamas real estate license, she worked in the hospitality industry on Grand Bahama Island. Prior to that, she spent 11 years in the United States where she worked for a major communications/media/cable provider and also worked for a short time with a real estate firm. Cheryl has played a prominent part in the formation of the Long Island Chamber of Commerce and is the current President.

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